7 General Meetings
7.1 All General Meetings shall be held at the Ground or elsewhere as the Committee may determine and any such meeting other than an Annual General Meeting shall be called a Special General Meeting.
7.2 The Chairman of all such meetings shall be the Club Chairman or if unavailable the President or if unavailable a Member of the Committee appointed at the Meeting concerned to take the Chair for that Meeting.
7.3 Every Member shall be entitled to attend and vote at any General Meeting. The procedure for the casting of votes shall be determined by the Chairman of the Meeting.
7.4 The quorum at any General Meeting shall be 20 Members.
7.5 If within thirty minutes after the time appointed for a General Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting, if convened on the requisition of members, shall be dissolved, and in every other case it will stand adjourned to such other day and at such time and place, or be dissolved, as the Committee shall determine.
7.6 All resolutions shall be decided by a majority of votes recorded except where:
7.6.1 These Rules provide for a special resolution which shall require a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes recorded, or
7.6.2 A resolution is put to an Annual General Meeting as contemplated by rule in which case the provisions of the Act as to voting shall apply.
7.7 A declaration by the Chairman of a General meeting to the effect that a particular resolution has been passed or not or passed by a particular majority or not shall (subject to the Act) be final and binding on all Members.
7.8 A General Meeting shall not be invalidated by reason only of any Member accidentally failing to receive a notice thereof or any accompanying document relating thereto.
7.9 The procedure for conduct of General Meetings shall be prescribed by the Committee and details thereof shall be kept by the Secretary and be available for inspection by Members at all reasonable times.
8 Annual General Meetings
8.1 Not later than 30 September in every year a General Meeting shall be held (to be known as the Annual General Meeting) for the transaction of the following business:
8.1.1 To consider and approve (with or without amendment) the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
8.1.2 To receive and approve a report from the Committee on the affairs of the Club since the previous Annual General Meeting.
8.1.3 To receive and approve a Financial Statement for the preceding financial year and where necessary in law or where the members require the Auditors’ report thereon.
8.1.4 To elect the Officers for the ensuing year.
8.1.5 To elect Vice Presidents.
8.1.6 To confirm any elections of Honorary Members made by the Committee during the preceding year.
8.1.7 To elect Members of the Committee for the ensuing year.
8.1.8 Where necessary in law or where the members require: To appoint the Auditors for the ensuing year, or To consider a resolution disapplying the provisions of the Act relating to the obligation to appoint Auditors.
8.1.9 To consider as a special resolution any addition or alteration to these rules duly proposed in accordance with Rule 8.5.
8.1.10 To consider any other motion or business duly proposed in accordance with Rule 8.5.
8.1.11 To consider any other business of which due notice shall have been given.
8.1.12 To hear any other relevant matter for the consideration of the Committee during the ensuing year, but on which no voting shall be allowed.
8.2 Notice of every Annual General Meeting stating the date, time and venue of such Meeting shall be given to all Members in accordance with Rule 33 so as to be received not less than two clear weeks prior to the date of the Meeting with the agenda of the business to be considered thereat and with a copy of the Club’s Financial Statement for the preceding financial year.
8.3 The election of the Officers shall be subject to the following provisions:
8.3.1 Any Member shall have the right to make nominations, with the written consent of a candidate, for election to any one or more of the offices named in or created under the provisions of Rule 13.1. Such nominations must be sent in writing so as to reach the Secretary by 30 June. The Committee shall also have the right to make nominations for the election of Officers.
8.3.2 The election of each Officer shall be decided by a majority of votes recorded.
8.3.3 In the event of an equal number of votes being cast for two or more candidates for any office a further election for that office shall immediately be held between those candidates for whom the votes cast are equal in number. If there shall still be equality of votes the members of the retiring Committee present at the time shall decide who shall from those candidates receiving an equal number of votes in the second election be the holder of the office concerned for the ensuing year.
8.4 The election of Committee members shall be subject to the following provisions:
8.4.1 Any member shall have the right to make not more than one nomination, with the written consent of the candidate, for election as one of the Committee Members provided for in Rule 14.1.2. Such nominations must be sent in writing so as to reach the Secretary by 30 June. The Committee shall also have the right to make nominations for the election of Committee Members without restriction on the number of nominations.
8.4.2 The election of Committee Members shall be decided by a majority of votes recorded.
8.4.3 In the event of an equal number of votes being cast for two or more candidates for the last seat or seats on the Committee a further election shall immediately be held for the last seat or seats between those candidates for whom the votes cast for such seat or seats are equal in number. If there shall still be equality of votes the members of the retiring Committee present at the time shall decide who shall from those candidates receiving an equal number of votes in the second election be the holders of the last seat or seats on the Committee for the ensuing year.
8.5 Proposals for additions or alterations to the Rules or for any other motion to be submitted to an Annual General Meeting shall be subject to the following provisions:
8.5.1 Any proposal shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary by 30 June duly proposed by one Member and seconded by another.
8.5.2 Copies of all such proposals and copies of all proposals put forward by the Committee shall be sent to all Members with the notice of the Annual General Meeting.
8.5.3 Amendments to any proposal notified to Members under Rule 8.5.2 shall be sent in writing so as to reach the Secretary duly proposed and seconded not less than twenty-four hours before the time for which the Annual General Meeting is convened.
8.5.4 Amendments duly received in accordance with Rule 8.5.3 shall be added to the agenda by the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.
9 Special General Meetings
9.1 The Committee may convene at any time a Special General Meeting by giving to all Members two clear weeks written notice thereof stating the date, time and venue thereof and the resolution or resolutions to be moved or other business to be transacted thereat.
9.1.1 Amendments to any resolution proposed by the Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary duly proposed and seconded by Members in the same manner as is prescribed by Rule 8.5.3 for an Annual General Meeting.
9.1.2 Amendments duly received in accordance with Rule 9.1.1 shall be added to the agenda by the Chairman of the Special General Meeting.
9.2 The Committee shall also convene a Special General Meeting on receipt by the Secretary of a written requisition so to do, duly signed by not less than 20 Members. Each requisition must clearly state the specific resolution to be moved.
9.2.1 Two clear weeks notice of such a Meeting stating the date, time and venue thereof and the specific resolution to be moved thereat shall be given to all Members by the Secretary in accordance with Rule 33 within fourteen days of the receipt of the requisition.
9.2.2 Amendments to such a resolution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary duly proposed and seconded by Members in the same manner as is prescribed by Rule 8.5.3.
9.2.3 Amendments duly received in accordance with Rule 9.2.2 shall be added to the agenda by the Chairman of the Special General Meeting.
10 Rules
10.1 No new Rule shall be made, nor shall any Rule be amended or rescinded, except by a special resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rule 8.5 or at a Special General meeting convened by the Committee in accordance with Rule 9.1.
10.2 The Secretary shall register in accordance with the Act any new Rule or amendment to these Rules and no new Rule or amendment to the Rules shall be valid until so registered.
10.3 A copy of the Rules shall be delivered by the Secretary to any person on demand on payment of such sum (not exceeding ten pence) as may from time to time be determined by the Committee and shall be made available on the Club’s website.