
Dear All,

We have raised a total of £856.00 so far in our drive to raise money for charity. If you could spare the odd few pounds that could get us to the grand total of £1000 for prostate cancer, it would be much appreciated. We will all be getting our final mo photo done at the end of the weekend.

Ealing Rugby Club are going to take part in ‘Movember 2009’. This is a charity event which relies on all men growing a moustache from the 1st November. Here are the rules of the event:

  • You must shave on the 1st November, and from this date you must the leave the moustache area of your face.(To grow)
  • Any design will do. Obviously the better the design the funnier it is.
  • Try and raise as much money as possible.

The charity which all of this is in aid of is ‘Prostate Cancer’. This is a very rewarding thing to do, and as the club have been such a close nit group together this will only help with team building. It would be great if all member’s the club (Execs etc) get involved as it would be real club thing. 

I will also be trying to get buckets put around the club on a match day and a have piece put in the programme at home games. If anyone from the board can help me with this, that would be great.

The official group page where you officially become a member of the Ealing group is at the following URL: